Lost Colony Tavern

On Sunday I asked for help identifying the EMT who stopped to help some geese cross the road. It did not take long. Several people said, “it has to be Michelle May”.

They were right. Apparently, she has a reputation for doing cool deeds.

Michelle stopped by today to get her Lost... See More

On Sunday I asked for help identifying the EMT who stopped to help some geese cross the road. It did not take long. Several people said, “it has... See More


It is a crazy year out there. Usually when restaurant owners meet one of the first questions we ask is “how’s your year so far”. This can be answered in a few ways

1) great, the best year ever (sure it is)

2) terrible barely scrapping by (how’s that new boat)

3) its good,... See More

It is a crazy year out there. Usually when restaurant owners meet one of the first questions we ask is “how’s your year so far”. This can be... See More


Lost Colony Brewery's deliveries take to the air. I received a text that some thirsty folks from Baltimore were sending down an airplane for beer supplies. A quick load up, refuel and they were on their way as fully deputized Beer Sky Rangers bringing fresh suds to Maryland. Thanks JJ

Lost Colony Brewery's deliveries take to the air. I received a text that some thirsty folks from Baltimore were sending down an airplane for... See More


Well, things are looking like we may be open by Friday for inside dining at half capacity. Outside dining on the property will be available too. I am soo ready. Everyone I promised a beer to, come on down.

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We want you to come get your food and beer from us. Then we want you to go, as in “to/go.”
But you don’t have to go far! Restaurants cannot serve food on their property because of the COVID19 rules. Lucky for us and you, Manteo has plenty of picnic tables all along our beautiful waterfront... See More

We want you to come get your food and beer from us. Then we want you to go, as in “to/go.”
But you don’t have to go far! Restaurants cannot... See More

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