Lost Colony Tavern

Folks, Downtown Manteo is currently flooded due to strong northwest winds pushing water up from the sound. As tempting as it is to go joyriding in the water, PLEASE KEEP CARS OUT until the flood waters recede. Our restaurant is high enough to avoid the rising water, but many of our neighbouring... See More

Folks, Downtown Manteo is currently flooded due to strong northwest winds pushing water up from the sound. As tempting as it is to go joyriding in... See More


? SOFT SHELL CRABS! ? These blue beauties from Colington’s legendary Endurance Seafood are now available at Lost Colony Tavern during Soft Crab Season as a sandwich or a soft crab entree. Don’t miss out on this delicious annual Outer Banks delicacy!


Wishing a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to co-owner Jared Sadler with this video from last year’s Oktoberfest celebration in Munich. PROST to a fun, memorable day and another fantastic trip around the sun!


The triumphant return of the legendary Pioneer Theatre is imminent...STAY TUNED! ✌️ ❤️ ?


??????? Available ALL DAY today (Sunday) until 8:00 tonight for St. George’s Day…the FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST: Two fried eggs, two bangers, two slices of back bacon, two slices of black pudding, two slices of white pudding, two stewed tomatoes, two slices of toast, sautéed mushroom, and “proper”... See More

??????? Available ALL DAY today (Sunday) until 8:00 tonight for St. George’s Day…the FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST: Two fried eggs, two bangers, two... See More


THIS is Prom Night done right! Tavern staffers Meara & Ky brought a touch of colonial style mixed with modern elegance to Manteo High School’s 2023 Prom and were the belles of the ball. Drop by and say hello!

??????? #manteo #prom2023 #leanforward


Drop by today for Steak & Ale Pie, Bubble & Squeak, Lamb Stew, and a FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST for our annual celebration of ST. GEORGE’S DAY!
#stgeorgesday #england #bideford #manteo #roanokeisland #outerbanks #obx #fullenglishbreakfast #... See More

Drop by today for Steak & Ale Pie, Bubble & Squeak, Lamb Stew, and a FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST for our annual celebration of ST. GEORGE’S DAY... See More


ST. GEORGE’S CROSS ??????? can be seen flying high all over the Town of Manteo and the north end of Roanoke Island. On SUNDAY, APRIL 23, we will be celebrating the Patron Saint of England with a very special ST. GEORGE’S DAY event complete with a few one-day-only menu additions, including Steak... See More

ST. GEORGE’S CROSS ??????? can be seen flying high all over the Town of Manteo and the north end of Roanoke Island. On SUNDAY, APRIL 23, we will... See More
